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    • Click on Documents (to enter the document library)

    • Find the document you wish to copy.

    • Right-click and choose 'Copy To'

    • On the right-hand side a navigation tool opens to allow you to select the destination.

    • Click 'Copy to'

    • In the options bar you will see an indicator for the copy progress. When complete a bubble will show the copy is complete.

    • In the bubble is a link for the folder you copied to. Click the link.

    • Identify the copy of the document you created. Right-click it and choose 'Rename'.

    • The Modified column will say 'a few seconds ago' for the new document you have created.

    • Enter the name you want for the document.

    • You can now go ahead and edit the copied document.

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Adam Atkinson

Member since: 10/27/2012

1,019 Reputation

12 Guides authored


IT Client Config Member of IT Client Config

9 Members

23 Guides authored


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